Have you ever read something and thought “wow that is great copy!” Great copy doesn’t just happen; you have to work hard and put in lots of effort in order to become an amazing copywriter. Unfortunately, many people don’t bother to develop their copywriting skills. The good news is that you can become a standout copywriter by learning from the experts.
Now now, web copy and content are not one and the same thing. Sure, they complement each other. However, they serve two different purposes. Web copy is used to make a sale; its main aim is to convince. Content performs every other task – it attracts people, engages them, offers solutions, and prepares the way for an eventual purchase. Copywriting entails elements of persuasion that make your content better. If you want to turn prospects into customers, then you need to learn these great copywriter skills.
#1 Creativity
Nobody likes to read boring copy. Your creativity will determine if prospects convert or not. While creativity is a talent, it is also something that can be learned. The best copywriters didn’t become great in one day, they perfected their craft over time. Before you sit down to write, think of what gets your creative juices flowing. Some people write as they listen to a song, others write after taking a walk, while others must take a nap before they write.
#2 Originality
It is next to impossible to find original ideas nowadays. Everyone is busy trying to copy what someone else has done. Never pretend to be someone you are not. People will find out, and it won’t be a nice experience. Before you sit down to write copy, ask yourself “what am I trying to say?” Are you trying to connect with customers as real human beings? Are you trying to show that your product is unique? Are you trying to deliver relevant solutions? Don’t write like a robot or use a writing formula, it will never work. Show your audience that you have something different to offer. They will listen to what you have to say.
#3 Good Listeners
How can you give people what they want when you don’t know what they want in the first place? To be a great copywriter, you must know what your audience wants. The most productive habit you can develop is to continuously look for people who are in need of your product or service. Observe your audience to find out what they are hungry for.
In days gone by, marketers used costly response lists to find out what people wanted. Today, you can gain a lot of insight by listening to what your audience is saying. Go through the comments on your blog, monitor conversations on social media, and read forums.
Customers and prospects are always talking. Therefore, you should always be listening. Keep in mind that if you don’t listen to them, someone else will. When you know what your audience wants, you can create copy that appeals to them.
#4 Results-Orientated
This is undeniably one of the most important copywriter skills. You write to activate a certain behavior. If you stimulate that behavior, you succeed; if you don’t, you fail. When writing copy, have an idea of what it is supposed to accomplish. Do you want to get more email subscriptions, to educate your audience about a new product, or to sell a service? There are very many goals you can accomplish with copy. Don’t keep on experimenting to see what happens. While experimenting is important, there comes a time when you have to stop doing it and focus on results.
#5 Persuasive
If there is one skill every great copywriter has, it is persuasion. Persuasion directly affects conversion rate. It convinces visitors to comment, sign-up, buy or share. If you cannot persuade prospects to do any of these things, you cannot increase your conversion rate. To make your copy persuasive, do these four things:
- Write copy that rhymes
- Organize your copy so people remember the right stuff
- Repeat your message time and again
- Use a word that people don’t expect to see
Another way you can win over visitors is by using social proof. Prospects usually look for evidence that other people have benefited from an offer before buying. If you can back up your claims with evidence such as testimonials and figures, you can establish the credibility and popularity of your product. Facts and figures add substance to your copy.
#6 Tenacious Researchers
If you want to write compelling copy, you have to be an ardent researcher. Great copywriters are like miners who dig deeper and deeper until they find valuable ore. They collect a lot of information before writing copy. To become one, scour websites for valuable information on your topic. Don’t just focus on the big blogs that everyone in your industry reads, find rare and obscure resources. Know everything you can about your topic. Your knowledge will be seen in your copy. The biggest and brightest ideas are a result of comprehensive research combined with creativity. Think about the problem you want to solve, the available solutions, and come up with a better one.
#7 Brief
When writing copy, always remember that short trumps long. As the old adage goes, “brevity is the soul of wit.” The more you say, the higher your chances of making errors. While long copy has its place, it should never be verbose. Use a few words to make your point; the result will be far much better. Do not beat around the bush, talk about the facts and forget about the stories. People are very impatient these days, they don’t like to waste time on anything. Say what you have to say, but be brief. What’s more, being brief shows that you conducted thorough research.
In this age of information overload, copywriting is a vital business skill. Unfortunately, it’s something that many people choose not to do because they feel they aren’t good enough writers. While you can hire a skilled copywriter to write your copy, there are many areas you need copywriting skills. These skills affect your social media presence, the emails you send, and how you interact with clients and prospects. Bad copy is unappealing so it’s in your best interests to work on your copywriter skills.
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